Monday, April 23, 2012

Catherines strengths and weakness

 Catherine and I's strengths; Catherines: 
1.) Sketching, this helps her calm down or just to think.

2.)  Listening/reading books, she listens to her mom read Harry Potter.

3.) She makes rules for David which helps her calm David or help him.
My strengths: 
1.)  Organization keeps me comfy and not crowded.

2.)  Reading helps me lock out problems and focus on me.

3.) Listening to music helps me concentrate and let everything in out.

4.) One more extra strength is sports, they let me run, jump, and explore!


1.) Her brother sometimes really bothers her....

2.)  Not focusing all the time.

3.) Having no friends to hang out with in the summer.


1.) Having to share a room which leads to a messy room which equals mad me!

2.) Annoyingness, this includes eating with your mouth open, talking , begging, etc.

3.) I get car sick very easily.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rules For David


1.) Say excuse me when someone is in your way.

2.) Wipe your shoes before going into a house.

3.) Take your shoes off in the house.

4.) No yelling unless hurt or at a concert.

5.) Say, "May you please" and  " Thank you."

6.) No running unless outside.

7.) Don't get up from the table unless excused.

8.) No touching scissors or any other sharp objects.

9.) Always cross the street with an adult.

10.) Share.

These rules will help David be polite and safe. He will grow up as a good person.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Last Game Plan Of the Year

G-GOAL: (I would like to stop rushing to get my homework done.)

A-ACTION: (Do my best work and accept that I have homework. Do it and check. Put in my bag so I don’t forget it.)

M-MONITOR- (Check Infinite Campus every time I get a chance. I will do it and check my work every time I do it.


GAME plan by Audrey Miller